Sunday, January 11, 2009

Vegetarian Princesses

I have a New Years resolution to post at least monthly on my blog, and even though I am currently being held hostage by the demon creators of facebook, I will prevail.

Wednesday we went out to celebrate Sara's birthday. Upon picking the girls up from our friends house we were informed that Eliza is now a vegetarian. Apparently when they sat down to eat dinner Eliza looked at her plate and said politely, "I am sorry, but I am a vegetarian now and cannot eat this stuff on my plate." Unfortunately the stuff she was referring to is commonly known as broccoli. Apparently in the world of a 5-year old, being a vegetarian allows you to pick and choose what you would like to eat. Tehehe. In the end she did eat her vegetables, but that is the most recent joke in our house. "I am sorry. I can't help with the dishes. I am a vegetarian." "I'm sorry. I can't brush my teeth. I'm a vegetarian."

On another note, Savana has decided who she is going to marry when she grows up. She has told me several times this week that when she grows up she is going to marry me. I told her that I could only have one wife (even being mormon haha) and that I am married to mom. Her reply, "That isn't true dad. Remember St. George? You can marry me when I grow up." I had no clue what she was talking about until Sara reminded that while on vacation to St. George we pulled up next to a van with a polygamous looking man and several women who looked like sister wives and we explained this to the girls. In spite of all the reasons we cannot get married it is pretty cool that my little girl looks at Sara's and My relationship and wants to have something like it when she grows up. I hope she marries someone who will love her as much as I love Sara. But for now I have to just tell her, "I'm sorry Savana. I can't marry you! I'm a vegetarian!!"


Denise said...

Welcome back to the world of blogging. We missed you guys. I love Eliza's declaration of being a Vegan-that is classic. Sounds like all is well with you and yours.

Kawa Rangers said...

I am SOOOOO proud of you guys. Look at you all grown up and updating your blog....

Angie Di said...

How cute are you guys! I am glad you are blogging again. Tell your little vegetarian princesses we will always have broccoli for them at our place. tee hee.

I hope all is well.

Linsey said...

monthly posts, promise?