Friday, February 20, 2009

God Vs. The Super Bowl

Confession time! So, a couple of weeks ago Sara and I were discussing the merits of scheduling a church meeting smack dab in the middle of the Super Bowl. And I being the facetious man that I am commented (tongue in cheek, mind you), "I had better not schedule a meeting because today the Super Bowl is more important than God!" We both got a good laugh at that as we curled up on the couch to watch Bruce Springstein use too much momentum and knee slide right into the waiting camera (I thought that was funnier than any of the commercials). The problem with making a comment like that in my household is that there are always 6 little ears that hear everything that is said but don't necessarily catch all the sarcasm that is included in the conversation.

Last week as we retrieved our daughter from a friend who had been tending her my friend looked at me funny and said, "Do you know what Sabby told me? She said, My dad thinks that the Super Bowl is more important than God!" Note to self, Be more careful of how you use sarcasm around Sabby!

1 comment:

heather said...

Ahh yes, kids say the darndest things. We are always wondering what comment overheard will make it to sharing time in Primary!