Thursday, February 26, 2009


Here is the first ultrasound. The first 10 minutes of the ultrasound was done only on the baby on the right with the assumption that there was only one baby. At the end of the ultrasound the doctor quickly swept to the right and said, "Hold on wait a minute. I think I just discovered why your uterus is so big. There is a twin...No, that is the same one, Wait.... there are two... No....Um, Yes I am sure! See here, You are having twins!" What a roller coaster!!! Afterward he looked at me and asked, "Do you need to sit down?" I guess I looked a little bit shocked.

Now we have had a week and a half to start adjsting to the thought of two infants and still are in a state of shock. Daily we think of several things that we will need to do to prepare or that will change our daily lives once the babies are finally here.

You can see in the ultrasound that there is a line between the two babies. That is really good! Separate sacs means that they have their own blood supply, and there are many less complications for them growing in the womb. Due date is aroung the end of August, but 32-36 weeks is average for twins so we are hoping for somewhere after the first of August. What a rollercoaster ride!!

Two Placentas, Two Babies

Profile and Arm

Is this a boy? The doctor made an educated guess but I hav no clue. Never have been able to figure ultrasounds out!!


Angie Di said...

These are adorable! I love the profile. It even showes it's cule little toes and legs. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! We cannot wait to see them, boy or girls!


Denise said...

WOW!!! Wendy told me you were having twins and I couldn't wait for you to post. Good Luck, but you don't really need it-you would be great if it were quad's. Keep us posted on what they are. We are seriously so excited for your cute little, I mean big family.

Kawa Rangers said...


Wendy said...

Having twins is really quite fun, once you get used to it all. It is truly twice the fun but not really twice the work. You already have 3, what's two more! Seriously, I hope you have as easy as a time in carrying and delivering your twins as I did. It was a breeze and raising them has been fun. In some ways two was easier because they had an instant playmate and go through the stages together. I am sooo excited for you guys! It's gonna be great! (just get your years supply of food cuz shopping with twins and a 2 year old is not very easy! I tried it once!)

Wendy said...

Congrats! You are going to have a great time and I hope you have as easy as a time carrying and delivering them as I did. Twins are twice the fun but not really twice the work. You already have 3, what's two more! Seriously, twins are in someways easier. They already have a built-in buddy and they go through each stage at the same time. Just get your years supply of food before they are born cuz it isn't very easy to shop with 2 babies and a 2 year old. I tried it once! I am sooo excited for you guys. It's gonna be great!

The Mashy Family said...

Okay so I got on your blog like a little blog stocker!! But I am excited that you are having twins but that is because it is not me having them. I feel really bad for Sarah but I am hoping that one of them is a boy. Every time my doctor looked at our ultrasounds I told him to tell me it was a girl. So I am going to tell you that little part looks like a viena sausage! That would be awesome to have two boys.